Take a look at some of our latest blog posts:
6 Strategies for Holistic Health and Wellbeing
8th Feburary 2021

As Physiotherapists, the majority of our work is helping patients fix very specific issues – reducing the pain of a knee injury, for example, or ...
Massage Therapy
1st August 2020

It is estimated that between 35-43% of the UK population is estimated to suffer from chronic pain, that's 28 million people. It accounts for 40% of time off work and costs the NHS over £10 billion pounds a year. It is ...
RUN: Better, Faster, Longer, Stonger
1st February 2020

Do you dream of being that runner where every step of every mile is 100% pain free? No aches, no twinges or niggles, no lingering soreness from yesterday’s session...
Add Days to Your Life AND Life to Your Days
1st January 2020
Life expectancy is at its all-time high, the fact that so many people are living longer, well into their 80s and 90s is a wonderful ideal. However, the sad reality is that living...
Festive Follies Survival Strategies
1st December 2019

Forget Tough Mudder, with shopping mayhem and rampaging relatives, financial stress, late nights, too much TV and over-indulging – the festive season can be the most gruelling event on the calendar...
Low Back Pain & Sleep
1st December 2019

Your spine is essentially the chain that forms the 'backbone' of your entire body. Without it you would be a blob of muscles, organs and soft tissue piled on the floor. Your spine commands respect because it is the...
How To Keep the Lid on a Headache
28th October 2019
Headaches affect 47% of the global population on a regular basis. Some people suffer from them monthly, weekly and sometimes even daily, and the headache...
Thinking on Your Feet
17th September 2019

It turns out that a lack of exercise in our lives is a silent killer. The World Health Organisation lists physical inactivity as the fourth biggest risk fac...
Don't Get into Deep Water with Swimming Injuries
16th May 2019
Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world.We swim in the sea, pools, lakes, streams, rivers and even ponds. And given 70% of the Earth's surface is water...
Game On: Avoiding Injurys
9th November 2018

From the die-hard fans to the devoted players and little dreamers in backyards everywhere – it's unlikely that you'll manage to escape the craze that comes with football. Alas, the game we love does not co...
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