If you're dealing with elbow pain, stiffness, or discomfort, it's easy to brush it off, hoping it will heal on its own. You might think it's just a result of overdoing it or the typical wear-and-tear that comes with age.
However, if the pain lingers without a clear cause, it's definitely time to take notice. Your elbow is made up of various important structures like tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bursae, all of which can become irritated from repetitive motions. Given how much we rely on our hands daily, it's tough to fully rest these areas, leading to a wide range of symptoms, from mild irritations to severe discomfort. Even mild symptoms should be taken seriously, as they might signal an underlying issue that could return if ignored.
For those battling elbow pain for weeks and struggling with everyday tasks like gripping or typing, seeking treatment can make a significant difference.