Our Conditions - Neurological Conditions
This is a very wide-ranging and complex area of health encompassing a huge range of conditions that affect all sorts of people in the UK. In fact, there are ten million people in the UK living with a neurological condition.

What are neurological conditions?
A neurological condition is medically diagnosed as the result from damage to the brain, spinal column or nerves and can be caused by illness or injury.
Some conditions can be experienced at birth, some can come at any time and are known as sudden-onset and others are more likely to occur at certain times in our lives. Epilepsy often occurs in childhood whereas other conditions are likely to occur in older age, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Certain conditions remain more or less stable but others can be progressive and degenerative and need careful management and specialised treatment programmes.
One of the most common of neurological conditions is a stroke and in the UK someone suffers from a stroke every three minutes. A stroke can have serious consequences and is one of the main areas of intervention from physiotherapists who are central to rehabilitation and long-term recovery.
How can Back in Motion help me?
Whatever type of condition you have been diagnosed with, our physiotherapists have training and experience in and knowledge of a range of neurological conditions. Following a detailed assessment, your physiotherapist will work with you to achieve your own personal goals using a combination of exercise and manual hands-on therapies. In our clinics, we have specific gym equipment and devices that we use with patients as part of their recovery plan.
Ultimately we will help restore strength, help to re-educate your body to recover mobility and function. As part of a multi-disciplinary approach we work alongside other health professionals to help you gain independence and improve the quality of your life.
We can offer lots of support and refer you to many organisations and local support groups so that you can share your experiences with others.
What can I do to help my condition?
Every individual is the key to their own recovery and you will learn to manage your own condition, perform exercises in between clinic appointments, work on your posture and set your own goals for movement and function. Living with a long-term condition can cause depression and anxiety so your therapist will work with you using a holistic approach to achieve an overall sense of wellbeing.
If you have any questions please get in touch by calling 01953 604 331 or emailing us on info@back-in-motion.co.uk
To begin your treatment plan, please call your nearest practice for bookings or further information.