Our Services - Gym
Our gym is available to anyone wishing to embark on a supervised programme of exercise. Comprising Clinical Pilates equipment, Reformer Pilates, rehabilitation and cardio training machines, the Back in Motion gym accommodates needs across the fitness spectrum.

Our staff will help you to get the most out of the programme devised for you each time you come to the clinic. You can book in for a fitness training session or one-to-one Reformer Pilates session in the gym with one of our trainers, or as an existing client, use the gym unsupervised.
As your fitness and mobility improve, your personal programme will be updated and enhanced in order to ensure that you achieve your own personal fitness goals.
If you have any questions please get in touch by calling 01953 604 331 or emailing us on info@back-in-motion.co.uk
To begin your treatment plan, please call your nearest practice for bookings or further information.